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2 Powerful Journal Prompts for Early Sobriety


A beautiful soul in our Sexy Sobriety program once shared her experience with flashbacks and regrets, and the rollercoaster of emotions that often show up unannounced when we first stop drinking. ⁠

“And I was wondering…” she said.  “Was writing your book therapeutic for you?”

“Oh my goodness, YES!” I laughed as I thought about the pages and pages I wrote and later edited from the final copy.  How I’d often been unable to stop writing once I started, tapping away at the keys for hours on end as my heart attempted to make sense of the past.

The more I wrote, the more I wondered how long it had all been bubbling away under the surface – impacting my decisions and behaviour without me even being aware of it.⁠

Every time I sit down at my desk to write, I feel that same cathartic release; that same sense of healing as I transfer it all to the page.⁠

When we write, we get to the part of the mind we can’t reach simply by verbalising or staying stuck in our own heads. We see it all laid bare before us. ⁠


We get to the truth. ⁠


Writing can be a powerful tool for reconnecting with ourselves, and liberating ourselves from former patterns. It can clear a path so we can move forward unencumbered by ghosts of the past. ⁠

Unlike the journalling we may have done as angst-ridden teenagers, this is journalling with intention. Intention to connect, resolve, and heal. ⁠

This is writing to set ourselves free.⁠

So how do we get started with this type of deeply powerful writing practice? Here are 2 powerful journal prompts for early sobriety:


1. I’m so proud of myself today for…


When I first stopped drinking, I had a vague concept of what self-esteem was. I mean, I knew I didn’t have enough of it. But I had no idea how, or where, to get more.

I remember the first time I read, ‘self-esteem comes from doing esteemable acts’. With that one sentence and concept, the penny started to drop.

When I was drinking, I was often ashamed of myself and my actions. I didn’t have a lot of experience with being proud of myself. Was it any wonder then, that I looked to others for validation or approval?

Sobriety, of course, was the first building block. Once I managed to get that huge (stubborn!) piece into place, I realised I could continue to build upon it, focusing on anything my heart wanted to.

I’ve thought about this a lot over the last few years. On days when the emotions feel overwhelming, or I just can’t seem to push through to productivity, I break it down to its simplest form.


What could I do to feel proud of myself today? What’s one small action that would make me feel good about myself?


Sometimes it’s a larger task, but often it’s as simple as making my bed, running a long-overdue errand, or eating a piece of fruit instead of more chocolate.⁠

It’s completely understandable to feel stressed and strange in this bizarre new post-pandemic world we find ourselves in – and ohhhh, how The Beast (or the Wine Witch!) loves to move in when we’re at our most vulnerable.

This simple question/strategy helps me to remember that we’re doing so much more every day than we give ourselves credit for.

It helps to shake me out of a fear spiral or overwhelmed funk, and inspire me into action.

It helps me feel like I have some sort of control over my life and destiny, in a world of uncertainty.

And most of all, it helps to remind me that we are all completely empowered. That we can continue to lift these tiny building blocks that stack up to feeling good about ourselves.

Today, what’s one small action you took (or could take) that made you feel good about yourself? What’s one thing you’re proud of?


2. Because I was sober today, I…


One of our gorgeous Sexy Sobriety Members came up with this journal prompt and I instantly fell in love with it. Not only is it a beautiful twist on the regular Gratitude Journal, but it also helps to reinforce new (healthier!) patterns of behaviour.

Use it as a journal prompt, or as an affirmation as you go about your day. Either way, it’ll remind you of all the magical things that sobriety allows you to do and experience in this life. It’ll provide you with a documented case of evidence of exactly how much sobriety benefits you.

I love to use it on the weekends, especially on those mornings I would have otherwise been hungover.

For example: because I was sober today, I watched an incredible sunrise, went for a long walk with my love in the dog park (helloooo puppies!), had the energy and wherewithal to help other people, wrote another chapter of my next book (heck YES, word count!), and laughed with a friend over a smoothie.

And most of all, felt completely relaxed and at home in my own skin.

How about you?


Journalling is a powerful healing tool, allowing us to tune in to our inner guidance.



It’s not just the journaling itself that’s so potent; it’s also the going back and reading previous entries, witnessing the growth, celebrating the evolution, and being so very grateful for the entire journey with all its twists and turns, and deep lessons (even the hard, messy ones!).

The truth is, it can be so easy to be hard on ourselves and berate ourselves for not being further along on our journey – and it can be so easy to forget the goalposts and milestones we’ve already achieved. Journalling will provide you with a book of evidence, showing you just how much you’re growing and changing every day.

Whether you write Morning Pages, a gratitude journal, poetry, your life story, or your big, beautiful intentions, notice how your journalling practice begins to change you – in the most magical of ways.


Ready to go deeper?


RSVP Sober: Your Guided Journal for Socialising Alcohol-Free, is the ultimate journal and companion for brave-hearted souls who want to have more fun socialising sober. This beautifully crafted 180+ page journal offers a refreshing, positive perspective on sober life, empowering you to embrace a new way of socialising that is both fun and fulfilling (it’s totally possible, I promise!).

Whether you’re in recovery, sober-curious, or simply looking for a new way to approach socialising, get ready to rip up the dance floor without the hangovers, regrets, or embarrassment (hurray!). Through engaging prompts, inspiring quotes, and thought-provoking exercises, RSVP Sober encourages you to dig deep and discover your unique strengths, passions, and purpose, empowering you to live your best social life.

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